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:: Please, do have a look around

:: What's For Text?

A Little Misunderstanding :: Rollin Jewett

I was once that wife :: Meg Smith

I was with you :: Johannes Raab

Each step a Mountain  ::  Deborah Steinberg

It got a bit warmer :: Brian Poloncic

At ease, men :: Will Mayo

A Piece of Work :: Rollin Jewett

Hungry  :: Niles Reddick

Picked up a tree :: Brian Poloncic

:: Visual & Multimedia? Check.

The Art of Irina Yastremski :: Irina Yastremski

Untitled :: Miles Durrance

Bring You Here :: Wovoka Jr.

Lightning Village :: Brian Poloncic

I met a girl :: Erika Figel

Untitled 2 :: Miles Durrance

Each Step a Mountain :: Deborah K. Steinberg

At ease, men :: Will Mayo

Untitled 3 :: Miles Durrance

"Sex" and the rebound :: Jønathan Lyons

With assistance, only you :: Brian Poloncic

Spaced out on miro :: Brian Poloncic

Untitled 4 :: Miles Durrance

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Call for Submissions

:: Guidelines for the journal Cicatrix::


READING PERIOD Begins. Open until we announce otherwise.


Word limit is 3500, kinda-sorta. If your work goes a little longer, but we fall in love, exceptions (Ahem! Passive voice.) might be made. 


Please note that we seek work to publish originally. We generally do not accept previously published work.


This is a labor of love for us and our time is limited and free, so please be patient with us.

Our aesthetic is all about the experimental. 


For poetry, we are interested in representing work that leans a bit toward that. We are interested in the poem as a composition-- a painting with words set to music and light. Hope that is not too esoteric for you. We believe that the lyric should be more polyphonic than monophonic.


We love Rumi, Rilke, Dickinson, Stein, Tagore, Sappho, T.S. Eliot, Wallace Stevens, Elizabeth Bishop, Virginia Woolf, Rosemarie Waldrop, Michael Palmer, Ann Lauterbach, John Ashbery, Sylvia Plath-- and the list could go on and on.

In prose, we hope to find literature the likes of which we've never seen. Some of our influences include:


• Jorges Luis Borges

• Jane Smiley

• Lydia Lunch

• William S. Burroughs

• Julio Cortazar

• Steve Erickson

• Doug Dorst

• Tom Barbash

• Yo Bad Self


Note that we are a $0 press, which makes this a labor of love. Neither you nor any of us will make money. We merely seek to publish work that wows us.


Submit 1-5 unpublished poems in one single word doc that is titled with poet's name. This saves the poetry editors an incredible amount of time.


Send textual submissions as Word .doc or .docx attachments to:


Send us visual/artwork to the same address as jpeg or gif images.

We are:

Co-editor: Adam Alonzi

Co-editor: Jønathan Lyons

Co-editor: Iva Petrova

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